It is not a big secret my devoted love for Lady Gaga and how much I support what she does. I try not to blog about it, there is no point on doing that. This post is different for several reasons that relate to beauty and the pillars of who I am.
There are three things I believe to my very core and I'll fight for them till the day I die: Equality, Art and Love. My whole live revolves around them and I remember them every single day.
"We all want to know that what we do and what we say and who we are matters" Oprah
This is more than a foundation, is a movement. A movement of love and change in our culture towards good. Acceptance is one of the main problems in every culture, and it affects so countless aspects.
Something I noticed I have been doing my last couple of years is inspiring and "changing the mind" of people close to be in order to increase their level of acceptance in terms of equality. I thing I have truly changed some people and actually learned also from them in endless conversations. This post is not focused in homosexuality, bulling or violence. The post and also the foundation is about pushing boundaries in order to change the culture, accept in order to be accepted. We are, and must be, all different.
"It is not ok to be violent just because you don't understand" Lady Gaga
There is one part that I can't take off my head. In the launching of the foundation they talk about how is not (in the case) only about the bullied one, it is also about the one who is bulling. The problem is in both sides and they have to learn to see each other as equal human beings. The problem is not only a violent incident, it is also about the people surrounding the situation and doing nothing.
I believe in the voice of the youth and how we must speak out, because we have answers that older people can't see. If you have never had a problem of this kind, you are lucky but you should not feel oblivious to these problems. The idea of helping some how is in my mind now, and hopefully is in the mind of many others.
I found this video of the launching of the foundation so inspiring, it was just days ago. Hopefully you will be able to see it. I know is quite long, you don't have to see the whole thing. If you are able to see at least parts of it would be great. It's truly inspiring, beautiful and very informative.
"Together, we will move towards acceptance, bravery and love." LG
You can go to the official site:
Share stories, learn and join the movement.
Roberto Mora
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